Information for participant

  • If possible, use environmentally friendly means of transport to travel to Vienna and use public transport, car-pooling or a bicycle to get around town. (The event times are scheduled in a way that enables participants to travel to the event location using public transport.)
  • If you travel to the event by taxi, please choose an environmentally friendly taxi service, such as greenride or Taxi40100.
  • If you cannot travel to Vienna by public transport, you can choose to pay a carbon offset to compensate for your emissions. By paying a carbon offset equivalent to the distance you have travelled, you support environmental protection projects and thus contribute to improving the global climate. Help us make this event a green event by choosing environmentally friendly options to travel to the meeting. We appreciate your support.
  • For further information, please see: (in German) or
  • Use the separate waste bins for PET packaging, glass, paper, metal waste, batteries, etc. to dispose of your waste at the event.
  • If possible, stay at a certified eco-friendly hotel (Austrian eco-label “Umweltzeichen”, European Ecolabel, EMAS, etc.)
  • Use the eco-friendly services that your hotel offers (e.g. changing towels and bed linen only upon request).
  • Turn off all lights and electronic devices (TV, air conditioning, heating, computer, etc.) when you temporarily leave your hotel room.
  • Reusing means protecting the environment: Preferably consume open drinks, meals served on dishes, milk and sugar without portion package, etc.
  • Use your own stationery.
  • Return your badges / name tags to the information desk after the event.