Lecture halls
BIG-Hörsaal lecture hal
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 3 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 7 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 27 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 31 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 34 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 50 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 1 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 5 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 16 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
© University of Vienna / Patrick Brillmann
Hörsaal 29 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 32 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 41 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 2 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 6 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 21 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 30 lecture hall
Available for events when there are no lectures and exams
Hörsaal 33 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
© Universität Wien / Philipp Bauer
Hörsaal 42 lecture hall
Available when there are no lectures and exams
Available when there are no lectures and exams