Lecture halls



Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Der Knopfdrücker

BIG-Hörsaal lecture hal

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Der Knopfdrücker

Hörsaal 3 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Alexander Arnberger

Hörsaal 7 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 27 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Der Knopfdrücker

Hörsaal 31 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© Universität Wien / Philipp Bauer

Hörsaal 34 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 50 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 1 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Der Knopfdrücker

Hörsaal 5 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Alexander Arnberger

Hörsaal 16 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Patrick Brillmann

Hörsaal 29 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 32 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 41 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 2 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / A. Arnberger

Hörsaal 6 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Alexander Arnberger

Hörsaal 21 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 30 lecture hall

Available for events when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 33 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

Hörsaal 42 lecture hall

Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl


Available when there are no lectures and exams

© University of Vienna / Franz Pfluegl

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