Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What are the mandatory details for incoming invoices?
Please inform your external service providers (e.g. catering company,..) about the mandatory details of incoming invoices.
The invoice receipt of the University of Vienna is done centrally in the Accounting and Finance. The goods deliveries remain unaffected, there is no central goods receipt at the University of Vienna. In order to be able to process invoices in a timely manner, it is necessary that the invoices show the MUST information below.
The mandatory billing address is:
University of Vienna
Accounting and Finance
Innenauftragsnummer DPXXXXXX
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
AustriaElectronic invoices to be sent to:
pdf format; only 1 attachment per email
No hard copy is required in the case of electronic invoices!(Incoming) Invoices / credit notes pertaining to orders issued by these Service Units shall be addressed to separate billing addresses and shall be used exclusively by the purchasers of these Service Units.
You are also welcome to send the information sheet to your supplier.
Please find more information under Mandatory Information.
How can I settle participation fees via internal activity allocation?
It might be necessary to settle participation fees via internal activity allocation with a cost centre or internal order number.
In this case, an internal activity allocation has to be made via your event’s project account (see DP (customer) account).
In this case, please forward the participation fee invoice to the person responsible for the DP (customer) internal order number who will then prepare an internal activity allocation. (You can find further information and the form (FIN/G3) on the intranet under internal settlement).
Please forward the completed FIN/G3 form to Accounting and Finance. They will take care of the transfer posting. To allow for a better visibility of the booking in SAP, please also enter the ET (revenue account)/DP (customer account) from which the sum is paid as additional information.In case of enquiries, please refer to the Accounting and Finance service unit.
Advantages of an online registration
What are the advantages of an online registration?
- Autonomous changes and cancellations: Your guests can independently register and deregister from anywhere and at any time.
- Customising print material: Create personalised material such as name badges or participation certificates through a semi-automated process using the registration data.
- Targeted invitation management: Send a reminder for your upcoming event to persons who registered for it. You can easily identify VIP and add them to the list of people you have to welcome. If a VIP has not replied to your invitation, they are contacted proactively.
- Flexible communication and organisation: The online registration allows you to communicate changes to the programme or the postponement of an event in a structured and timely manner, if necessary.
- Additional information via the mailing list: You can easily send any necessary further information to registered participants. This allows you to announce COVID-19 regulations or other security restrictions (access restrictions, guest registration) to all guests. If necessary, it is possible to label seats in the event room with seat numbers.
- Weekly reporting for accurate measures: You gain an overview of the booking situation with regards to the number of participants and income. Double or multiple bookings are filtered. This allows you to calculate quantities (catering, print material,...) in a targeted way.
- Keeping track of capacities using the waiting list: Automated waiting lists enable you to make optimal use of capacities. This allows you to reduce the number of guests that you have to turn away on site or that have to be content with attending the event in an overflow room*.
- Guaranteeing a sufficient security level: Being able to exactly quantify the number of expected participants is essential for the coordination of security personnel and the systematic planning of orderly movements and gatherings of people.
- Simplifying professional follow-up: This enables you to filter for target groups for reporting after the event, participant statistics or photo reports.
*Overflow rooms are rooms at which event participants can follow your event if the main event venue has reached the maximum capacity.
First steps
What are the first steps as an event organiser when commissioning the Conference Services?
If you commission the Conference Services, you may have some questions:
- Who is the official organiser?
Please note that there must be 1 organiser only. If there is more than one organiser, a non-trading partnership (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts) must be established.
All other persons involved are allowed to participate as “supporters”, “cooperation partners” or “sponsors”. - Do I have to book a room via the Venue Management of the Conference and Event Management service unit at the University of Vienna?
If you need rooms at the University of Vienna, you first have to clarify if you have to book them via the Venue Management of the Conference and Event Management service unit.
Please find a step-by-step user guide here. - Which services offered by the Conference Services team do you need?
The Conference Services team offers various services, ranging from attendee management, website maintenance to abstract management and hotel room reservations. You can find all services on our website.
ATTENTION: Please plan - as soon as all basic conditions are clarified from your side - for the creation and test phase of online abstract submission / registration / hotel booking approx. 14 days! - Do I need a DP (customer) internal order number? / Do I already have a DP internal order number?
An answer to whether or not you need a DP (customer) internal order number and how to request such a number, can be found in the FAQ. - Have you already signed and sent back the quotation you received from us?
After you have specified the required conference services, you receive a quotation. Please check the quotation carefully and send the signed quotation back to officially commission the Conference Services team. - What types of participation fees can be managed by the congress and conference management?
If the University of Vienna is the sole organizer, the participation fees for the (scientific) event can be charged to the participants without VAT. Free supporting program items can be requested when registering for participation. A distinction is made between paid supporting program items:- Chargeable supporting program items that have a close connection to the scientific event: these can be charged to the participants without VAT and can be requested on the registration form for participation.
- Chargeable supporting program items that are not closely related to the scientific event: these must be requested via separate links and charged to the participants including 20% VAT. In this case, unlike the participation fees for the (scientific) event, the fees paid do not end up in the specially set up DP project account, but in an ET account managed by the event management.
- Chargeable supporting program points for accompanying persons: these must be requested via separate links and charged to the participants including 20% VAT. In this case, unlike the participation fees for the (scientific) event, the fees paid do not end up in the specially set up DP project account, but in an ET account managed by the event management.
Other institution is the organizer: In this case, the congress and conference service can only manage the participation fees for the (scientific) event, provided that the organizer is a sovereign institution (e.g. university) or non-profit associations that are not aimed at making a profit. Associations must submit a mandatory declaration that meets the formal and tax requirements for non-profit status for tax purposes in accordance with § 34 ff BAO. Detailed information on this can be found on the fact sheet on non-profit status for tax purposes in Austria. Participation fees for the (scientific) event will be charged to the participants without VAT.
Chargeable supporting program items cannot be administered.
After clarifying all these questions with your conference coordinator, they will contact you to clarify the next steps.
- Who is the official organiser?
Where can I apply for funding for my congress?
Vienna Meeting Fund 2022-2024
Vienna supports organisers of congresses and corporate events with the Vienna Meeting Fund 2022-2024. The funding has a total volume of 4 million euros provided by the City of Vienna and is aimed at national and international organisers planning meetings in Vienna and holding them in the period from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2024. The complete submission documents must be received by the Vienna Convention Bureau at least three weeks before the start of the event.
Vienna Convention Fund 2025+
The Vienna Convention Fund 2025+ is available by 2025
Funding is available for international association congresses that will be held in Vienna from 2025 onwards in the months of January-April, July, August, November and December. Submissions are already possible. Applications can be submitted online to the Vienna Convention Bureau at any time. After formal examination of all required documents, applications must be submitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Submission is possible at the earliest 5 years before the actual event date.
PLEASE NOTE:- The organiser must prominently display the sponsorship by the Vienna Tourist Board with the logo of Meeting Destination Vienna in the context of all marketing measures related to the sponsored event, where it makes sense and is thematically coherent.
- According to point 6.1 of the funding guidelines, only costs paid to third parties can be funded. Internal settlements of services (within the University of Vienna) do not meet the requirements and can therefore not be taken into account as conference expenses for VCB funding.
Employment contracts
How can I employ students for an event?
Persons who work for your event must have a valid employment contract with the University of Vienna.
If you book personnel via the Conference and Event Management service unit, they already have an employment contract.
Staff that is currently not employed with the University of Vienna, neither as academic nor as non-academic staff, must be employed with the University for the duration of working for the event.
Please contact the responsible person in Human Resources Administration in due time to obtain information about any registration deadlines (at least 3 weeks before employment commences).
Internal order number and read-only access (project account)
When do I need a DP (customer) internal order number?
For all events with a total budget exceeding EUR 5,000, a DP (customer) internal order number must be created.
You can find further information on the third-party funding website.
Please note: A DP (customer) internal order number can only be created if the University of Vienna is the official event organiser.
Another institution is the event organiser: In this case, you have to consult the Accounting and Finance service unit to clarify whether another account can/must be created.
If the Conference Services team is commissioned with attendee management, it creates an ET (revenue) account for the administration of the participation fees.
How can I create a DP (customer) internal order?
Conferences/congresses/symposia (> EUR 5,000)
Applications for conferences/congresses/symposia are not recorded in u:cris.
Therefore, the unit responsible for controlling external funding requires the following documents to create a DP internal order number: FIN/F1 data record sheet for financing of § 27 projects, a short abstract containing the following points:- Theme, date and venue of the conference/congress,
- financial plan and schedule (including time for preparation and follow-up work)
- anticipated number of attendees
- details of anticipated sponsors (copies of the agreement to provide funding or the contract signed by both parties)
Once the internal order number has been allocated, the Rectorate will authorise the project leader in accordance with section 28 of the 2002 Universities Act so that they can make legal transactions for the project.
Christine Calvet
University of Vienna
Accounting and Finance
A-1010 Vienna
Universitätsring 1T 01/4277-125 60
F 01/4277-8 125 60
Further information about conferences/internal order numbers can be found on the third-party funding website.
I have already created an DP (customer) internal order. Do I need a read-only access?
If you have already created a DP internal order number, please send it to your conference coordinator as soon as you receive it.
According to the Accounting and Finance service unit, the Conference Services (i.e. 2 members of the Conference Services team) must have read-only access to your DP internal order number if Conference Services is commissioned with the administration of participation fees.
The Finance Department specifies that a viewing authorisation for your DP account is required for the Congress Service (more precisely for 2 Congress Service staff members) as soon as they are responsible for processing the participation fees. This is necessary so that payments for participation fees can be made directly via your DP account and the incoming payments for registration fees can be checked by the Congress Service. The payments can then be booked in the system with the registration orders in order to be able to send a payment confirmation to the participants.
Unfortunately, it is not technically possible to credit credit card payments directly to your DP account - in this case we will coordinate a monthly transfer.
If you would like to grant viewing authorisation, please complete the two FIN02 forms below and send them to FinCo - the contact details of the respective congress service staff have already been filled in:
- Margarethe Jurenitsch (
- Alexandra Wassipaul (
Please upload the forms on the Service Desk.
This is exclusively about the viewing authorisation. You do not need to specify the event management (VAM) for the invoice verification. As soon as you indicate that the VAM is involved, FinCo automatically specifies a congress service staff member as a backup invoice checker. However, as all incoming invoices are paid from your DP account, please indicate someone from your internal team as 1st auditor.
Grants and scholarships
How can I disburse grants/scholarships?
Grants/scholarships for your event’s attendees are disbursed by the Accounting and Finance service unit. Please contact your contact person (accounts payable accounting) in advance to clarify the framework conditions.
Accounting and Finance is also responsible for expense payments for academics (guest lectures) who are NOT employed with the University of Vienna (FIN/K2 form). PLEASE NOTE – Expense payments are only made by bank transfer based on original receipts.
In case of enquiries, please refer to the Accounting and Finance service unit.
Who is the organizer?
The organiser is the institution with whom profit and loss remain in the end.
Any other institution involved may only act as "academic cooperation partner" "supporters" or "sponsors".
Therefore, there can only be 1 official event organiser.
Sustainable events
How can I certify my event as green meeting/green event according to the Austrian Ecolabel?
We invite you to “go green” and have your meeting or event certified under the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings and Green Events.
As an Ecolabel licensee, we are happy to support you in organising a Green Meeting or Green Event at the University of Vienna.The Conference and Event Management service unit at the University of Vienna has been an Ecolabel licensee for certifying green meetings since September 2015. It certified several events in the previous years.
If you are interested in certifying your event, please contact
If you intend to hold a Green Meeting/Green Event, external communication from the very beginning is especially crucial. Our staff responsible for Green Meetings are happy to give advice in a personal meeting.
Please note that only certain venues can be certified.
Please find further information about Green Meetings and Green Events here.
At which venues can I hold a Green Meeting?
Certified venues
More and more locations of the University of Vienna are certified according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel.
The following locations or rooms are already certified:
- Main Building of the University of Vienna
- Campus of the University of Vienna (except for the Old Chapel (Alte Kapelle))
- Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz (OMP)
- University of Vienna Biology Building (UBB)
The Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 location of the University of Vienna is a certified Green Building.
How can I implement events in a sustainable way without a Green Meeting certification?
An event does not need to be a certified Green Event or Green Meeting to be sustainable. Also without a certification, you can contribute to environmental protection in some areas.
Following the list of criteria for UZ62 Green Meetings and Green Events, prepared by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism in cooperation with the Austrian Consumers’ Association, we would like to emphasise the most important points when planning and implementing an event. We offer a guideline helping you to make your event as sustainable as possible.
The Conference Services team of the Conference and Event Management service unit at the University of Vienna is happy to help in case of enquiries and provides advice about suppliers producing in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.
Online / hybrid events
Does the Conference Services team also offer services for online-only events or hybrid events?
We offer the following services for online-only events:
We offer the following services for hybrid events:
- Attendee management
- Abstract management
- Website maintenance
- Conference materials (for attendees/speakers, etc. on site)
- Hotel room reservations (for attendees/speakers, etc. on site)
- AUA cooperation (for attendees/speakers, etc. on site)
Please also note our questions and answers derived from practice (in German) regarding online events and hybrid events.
For questions regarding rooms and technical equipment for online or hybrid events, please contact the Venue Management.
(Cancellation) insurance
How can attendees insure their participation fees?
To avoid frustration and financial loss, we recommend that attendees conclude a conference cancellation insurance with the Europäische Reiseversicherung (European travel insurance) company.
Please find additional information here.
Is the Conference Services team responsible for attendee management and/or hotel room reservations for your event?
Information about the European travel insurance is included in the registration and hotel booking confirmations.
Website and service e-mail address
How can I request a service e-mail address (univie)?
From the Vienna University Computer Centre (ZID), you can request a service e-mail address for employees of the University of Vienna.
How can I request a website?
Under layout (in German), you can request a conference website ( if you are an employee of the University of Vienna.
We are also happy to help you request your website.For conference websites, please enter in the field “Weitere Anmerkungen” (further comments) “Kongresstemplate”.
Here, you can also note if the website should be put online immediately. In this case, it can be found immediately on the web, also without any content from our side.For your desired domain, you have two options:
- Free of charge: The URL of a TYPO3 page ends on You can freely select what comes before that.
For example: - Fee-based: Upon request, we register any domain name in cooperation with the Vienna University Computer Center (ZID).
For example:
The ZID can only provide services for such domains (web space, TYPO3, e-mail, etc.) if the ZID is in charge of administrative and technical management of the domain. In this case, the domain automatically receives an SSL certificate and you can only access the websites via .
When selecting a domain, please consider the following:
- The URL should be descriptive.
For example: “nursingethics” is better than “ne2019”. - Avoid URLs that are too long.
For example: “nursingethics” is better than “conference-on-theoretical-and-applied-nursing-ethics”. - Special characters, spacing characters and umlaut characters are not permitted. Hyphens are allowed.
- Please use lower-case characters only.
For more information, please go to the Conference website.
- Free of charge: The URL of a TYPO3 page ends on You can freely select what comes before that.